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In this country there are 2 categories of peoples in 1st ordinary people like you and me and 2nd human furniture are criminals who have been comdemned to become human furniture such chair,table,sofa,armchair and even car seat ect...for their entire life,following the law of 2016 so criminal instead of languishing in prison and by costing money to state allows to be usefull to society by serving as furniture for citizens ans thus to solve the probleme of overcrowding in prison. So they can be bought or sold to individuals or companies and just like real furniture can be kept for years by their owners.In this comic Tsunoda goes bowling with her sweetheart and the son of a friend she keeps discovers that his ex-boyfriend Tristan has become a coffe table in a bowling alley he was sentenced to the punishment of human furniture. Tsunoda is shoked and does not know what to do wile she ruminate she remenbers the relationship she had with Tristan.
Réalisé par Agri2001